About us

Our Story

Finding exciting new ways to spend time with the people you love is hard. CluedUpp creates immersive outdoor experiences that bring families, friends and colleagues together in unique and innovative ways.

We offer exciting days out in over 1500 locations and more than 80 countries worldwide. Thousands of cities have been transformed into the setting of adventure and intrigue.

To date, over 5 million players have taken on the challenge and immersed themselves in a multi-award-winning CluedUpp event. Will you be next??

Our history

We reached over 5 million players worldwide due to the launch of 3 brand new themes! We also had a handful of staff join our ever growing team. We really have expanded in every way possible!


We became the world's biggest geogaming events company, hosting exciting events in every continent around the globe. We brought thrilling outdoor adventures to millions of players in over 500 new cities.


The world locked down and CluedUpp events were put on pause. When we returned to action, the appetite for outdoor experiences was bigger than ever, we saw thousands of people participate worldwide.


Europe, Asia, and the Middle East welcomed us with open arms. CluedUpp events have been a massive success in every country we’ve visited. Our app continues to improve, bringing new immersive games.


We’ve gone global! Manhattan was our first event outside the UK and was a roaring success. Mystery and adventure spread across North America as CluedUpp events took place all over Canada and the USA.


We wanted to create a virtual reality gaming event, turning cities into playgrounds. We launched our now multi-award winning app with just thirty teams at the first event. Today thousands of teams take part.


CluedUpp is born. Aiming to transform traditional board games into fantastic outdoor experiences, we initially offered downloadable paper-packs for towns and cities across the UK. My, how we’ve grown since.

Our Values

Here at CluedUpp, we create shared experiences that bring family and friends together.

Our aim is to provide unique, immersive, events that can be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere.

After a difficult time across the globe, everyone needs a reason to get together with family and friends in a shared adventure. We want to provide that opportunity.

Accessibility and inclusivity are principles which underpin the work we do - and our events can be attended by anybody who wants to take part. Most importantly, we want to bring people together to share an amazing experience, have fun, and enjoy themselves.

Our Events

Our immersive experiences attract hundreds and thousands of players to each event.

Unfolding exclusively through our award-winning app, you're guided on a whirlwind adventure around your city, taking on challenges and solving puzzles as you try to find a solution to the mystery.

Our events are the perfect day out for friends and family, and are one of the most affordable activities you can do.

What're you waiting for? Find your nearest event below...

Current Experiences:

Past Experiences:



5 Million+


