6 Ways To Build A Great Company Culture

6 Ways To Build A Great Company Culture

The key to a successful business is to build a great company culture that you and your employees gain great satisfaction and mental wellbeing from. 

Whatever size business you are, employees no longer just seek a pay cheque at the end of the month - they want a company culture they can be part and proud of. 

It’s what makes your employees wake up every morning, without feeling that Monday morning dread, Sunday night fear or leave your employees counting desperately down to 5pm on a Friday. 

A company culture is an amalgamation of the vision, values, work environment and how you want your employees to feel about the company, the way it functions and its reputation. 

It’s incredibly important in 2021 to have the right company culture - not doing so could result in failure irrespective of talent and sources. 

So here’s 6 ways to build a great company culture for your team!


6 ways to build a great company culture - CluedUpp

Boost employee wellness

If you don’t have healthy employees, they could struggle and by not encouraging wellness in the workplace could result in you struggling to create a great company culture. 

Your employees should be at their best health; physically, mentally and emotionally. Don’t forget that your employees are the core of your company and like any great company, they are the cogs that keep everything turning - if one is not feeling it’s best, the cogs won’t function as well.

As a manager, you need to offer as many resources, tools and on-site opportunities for your employees so they can live their healthiest worklife - this can include encouraging everyone to take walks during the day, take regular breaks or perhaps team lunches that have a health kick to them! 

Hire the right team for you

This can be a tricky one if you’re just starting out; people come and go, but it’s been widely reported that people don’t leave bad jobs; they leave bad management. So what can you do to ensure your staff stay for the long-run? 

The people you hire will directly impact your business and company culture, so make sure you aren’t just hiring on the skill set or need - as a personality, do they fit within your company culture? Consider how the individual will fit into the overall picture. 

For example, you wouldn’t hire someone who hates working with others when your company is all about teamwork. 

There are a lot of factors to consider but your candidates must also appreciate your culture and values as it’ll be much easier for them to work towards the same goal if everyone is aligned. 

A team of detectives playing a CluedUpp game

Create meaning and purpose for your team

As mentioned before, your employees want more than just a pay cheque at the end of the month. 

As employees, we spend more hours working within our companies than we don’t - employees want meaning and purpose in the work that they do, otherwise, they just won’t be interested and won’t go above and beyond.

If your company culture has no meaning behind its work, you’re doomed to fail before you even begin. Make sure you have a mission statement and core values that your employees can refer to and ensure it’s one of the first things you show new employees. 

This will create a positive impact on your company, your clients and overall business. 

Foster workplace relationships

Building a great company culture means building great workplace relationships.

If your employees don’t get along, or don’t have an opportunity to get to know one another and interaction is limited, your culture can’t grow. 

By creating opportunities for social interactions where your team can get to know one another - such as team meals, seasonal parties, games sessions or team-building days out, you’re likely to build a much stronger workforce. 

(P.s. we have lots of blogs on team building and why you should book a socially distanced team building day with us!)

A team building a great company culture - CluedUpp

Be a good listener 

One of the easiest ways to build a great company culture is to just listen. 

Listening to your employees, whether it’s listening to their ideas to improve something in the business, their opinions and of course, their worries and concerns shows that you are a good manager as well as lets your employees know their voices are heard. 

Asking your employees now and again if everything is okay and if there’s anything they need is the smallest, yet biggest thing you can do as a manager - it reassures your employees that you’re here if they need you and won’t leave your employees feeling like they can’t share anything with you. 

Lead by example and reinforce company values 

As a manager, once you’ve set your company values and initiatives, you need to lead by example and show that they’re not just words - they’re actions you truly believe in and want the rest of your team to follow too. 

Ultimately, the company culture in your business is the key to your employees overall happiness and enjoyment within their role. Why not start with team building to really show your team you’re willing to invest in them and the overall company culture? 


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